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Bathurst city Library

Bathurst city library and art gallery is a place of high public traffic, so roof leaks are an inconvenience and also a safety concern for customers and staff.


The library entrance is covered by an architectural glass pyramid surrounded by flat concrete and parapet walls. The roof top had caused many wet areas directly at the entrance for upwards of 10 years with only temporary solutions available due to a poor deteriorated roof seal membrane and a hard to flash area at the bottom joint of the pyramid.


The solution for a long-lasting leak free roof was provided by Topps Products Australia.

Topps products used for this project were Polyprene and PolyCore reinforced membrane to provide long-lasting sealing of joints in the roof structure and complete sealing with ClearSeal and a final layer of Topps Seal


The leaking joints between the concrete of the roof and the structural pyramid skylight frame were easily solved by doing away with the original flashing and using a combination of Polyprene and Polycore to seal the gaps before final sealing of the whole roof with Topps Seal. The correct combination of Topps products has worked with great success!


Using Topps has also meant that disruption to the Library's operations was minimised and allowed the Library to remain open throughout the Topps installation.  

71 Wellington Street, Port Adelaide SA 5015

0418 528 613

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